BABY FOOD ( Meals Edition )
If you know me you know I'm a freak when it comes to Organic Food ( basically for everything Organic ) especially when it's for Mason. Ever since Mase was born I was testing out Organic baby food for when he gets older. Now that he is 7 months old I found the best organic baby food out there its call Beech-Nut. Us mothers we always want the best for our babies and we want them to grow up strong and healthy so our key is to look for the food that has the best and healthy ingredients. Don't get me wrong I love cooking little healthy recipes for my baby boy but sometimes we need a back up for when we go out or travel we always need our baby food with us.

Beech-Nut offer us real and organic food for our babies, and one thing I love is adding other details to it. It all comes from real Fruits and vegetables and they are delicious on their own, but if you mothers want to try out beech-nut and want to add a little of something else like I do sometimes, try adding Rosemary it will give our babies a new flavor dimension.
Hope this blog its helpful for you mommy's out there and remember feed you babies with real and healthy food (organic) not processed food.