Jen's Portuguese Octopus Recipe
Hey guys is being a while now since I posted my last blog, but there is a perfect explanation for that but we are not going to get into that topic now. We are here to share my favorite Portuguese Octopus Recipe that everyone is so excites about on my Instagram, I love when you guys interact with me and enjoy my recipes and content so for that I want to say thank you for your love and support always. Now let's get to eat :)

Portuguese Octopus Recipe
Fresh Octopus
Whole Onion
8 Fresh Garlic teeth
Potatoes ( as many as you like small, if you don't have any small potatoes just cut them in big pieces)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Garlic Salt
(Optional) Italian Seasoning
Potatoes: First wash and cut your potatoes and leave them in a bowl with water ( I like to leave the skin )
Preparation of condiments: In a large bowl mix the salt, garlic salt, paprika, Italian seasoning and a little bit of extra virgin olive oil. I don't really measure the amount of this condiments I just eye them so you can do the
Octopus: Add your octopus to the condiment bowl and mix it all ( seasoning the Octopus)
In a deep pot add more olive oil and put it to heat in the lowest setting ( I put it in number 2 to 4 ), once is warmed but not hot add 4 garlic teeth and the whole onion ( don't chop the onion just leave it as it is just take off the out side skin). Add the octopus to the pot and let it cook for 50 mins to 1 hour with a lid on. ( please make sure to look at it here and there just to check).
While the octopus cook, get a small pot add water and start boiling the potatoes, (now this one is tricky) make sure that you DON'T cook your potatoes 100% . Cook them until they are about 50 to 60% cooked, I'll say maybe for 10 to 25 mins depending on how big they are. Once the potatoes are done throw out the water, add some olive oil, season you'r potatoes with garlic salt and some optional parsley and fry for about 6mins in medium setting.
Start pre heating your oven in 250o
Once your octopus is cook ( you will know if you pinch with a fork and is soft enough ) once is done get a oven safe plate add olive oil, add your potatoes and on top of your potatoes add the octopus also add a little more olive oil on top of your octopus so it won't dry up. Now add your 4 extra garlic teeth ( open them a little bit with your knife) and add chopped cilantro ( sprinkle it around ) and put to your oven for 20 minute. Done! there is your easy delicious Portuguese Octopus.

There it is guys that's the recipe, as you can tell is a pretty easy process and it only takes 1 hour and 20 minutes for a delicious restaurant style octopus that you and your family will absolutely love. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me also don't forget to tag me on your post once you make it, let me know how you and your family loved it.