Hello Fall!

Its finally here!, One of my favorite season is here and I can't be any more happy. Fall has always being one of my favorites, then comes winter and so on. So as I'm sitting here drinking my pumpkin spice
latte at 9:00am in the morning I decided to write this blog with Ideas of fall decor since I am decorating the out side of my house this weekend but I already did the inside so here are the deets, every year I am all over social media searching for new ways and ideas to decor my home whether is for Christmas, Halloween or Thanksgiving as any other holiday, I am just a really into holidays person if you know what I mean. Here we go ( some are my own photos and others are from social media )...........
This ideas are for you to grab what you like and make it your own when you see ideas like this you don't have to decorate exactly like the photos you just kind off improvise them.
Here are a list of my favorite stores to shop for this...
Hobby Lobby
and as for your surprise a really affordable store to shop for holidays decor that I also love is the Dollar Tree, you can find there really cute things for your holidays home decor, who wouldn't like to save a buck or two Huh?
Hope you all loved this blog and I will see you soon!
xoxo Jen
Ps... Would you guys like my next blog in Spanish ? Let me know in my social midea.
Les gustaria que mi proximo blog sea en Espanol? Dejenme saver en mis redes sociales.