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Pixi by petra Beauty Tonic

Hi guys its being a long time now since I posted my last blog, It is finally my favorite time of the year and I can not wait to put up my Christmas tree and show you guys what it looks like but we are not going to talk about Christmas because I can write you a whole paragraph about it lol, we are here to write about one of my favorites beauty company ever and the most exciting part is that I am in their PR list, like how cool is that ? the fist package I received was their new lipstick colors that its now available for purchase at target and other stores so make sure you check them out cause the colors are amazing . This review is for the new tonics like the Glow Tonic and the Rose Tonic which I am totally obsess about. Down below are all he deets....

Glow Tonic: The glow tonic exfoliates and brighten your skin, It is formulated with 5% glycolic acid which is really good for your skin and also it smoothes your skin giving you a healthier glow. the ingredients are Glycolic, Aloe Vera and Ginseng.

Rose Tonic: The rose tonic balance and calm your skin naturally soothing and rich in nutrients which is helpful to toned, balance pH and minimize redness which is a plus for me because sometimes my skin gets some red spots and I totally hate it so this tonic will help you minimize it. The ingredients are Rose Extract, Elder flower and Chamomile

You are loving them huh? this products are totally cruelty free and also Botanical products which is a plus to it and also they are the perfect size to travel.

Welll this is it guys hope you enjoy this info and see you guys on the next chapter...

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