Our intro to Potty Training

Happy Monday and late Mothers Day, friends!
I thought I’d take the opportunity to write a post about our beginning stages of potty training. I say beginning stages because I’ve quickly learned that this is a
process and NOT necessarily a 3-day and your done sort of thing; regardless of how its portrayed on social media.
I’m just going to make one statement to start this off… I DID NOT THINK POTTY TRAINING WOULD BE THIS DIFFICULT. I thought I was a pretty calm and patient person, but HOLY COW do you need patience for this! I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve wanted to just QUIT and put a diaper on Mason to allow him to happily poop! It is exhausting.
I understand that some of you may have an opinion on whether or not Mason appears ready. I get that. I’ve thought that too. I won’t be able to say how the rest of today will go or even a week from now… maybe it’ll click, maybe it won’t but I’ll be sure to update you all on our progress and of course…keep it REAL.
So, today we start our fourth day of potty training and I’ve decided to take it one day at a time. Honestly, that’s all I can do to keep my sanity. So, this is our intro… it’s been way more challenging than I thought but… it has to be done one way or another.
So, are you interested in getting started yourself? First, you want to look for signs that your child is “ready.” A good indicator is your child is telling you when they are going to the bathroom and interested in the toilet. From there, show them how it' s done, talk about it often, and encourage your child to put on their own pants.
I will create my own Amazon page to show you all the items I got before we started. This includes stickers, fun books, the squatty potty, and toilet insert. I have a potty toilet in every corner of the house plus the toilet insert, all his tittle potty toilets where purchase at Ikea and one of them his god mother gifted, he loves that one in particular because its exactly like a big toilet and he loves that it has the illusion of flossing the toilet. The scheduling part its not easy either for the fact that he doesn't really have a timing to do number 2 like other kids do, for example some kids do number 2 after they eat, Mason some times do and some he doesn't, but his teacher was helping me in that part since most of the time his in his daycare.
There are of course many other ways of getting information on schedules and how to do it. Get excited with your kids, give them something that makes them existed about it, read to them, sing a song, just make sure you make them excited to go to potty and make it seem normal because it actually is.
Wishing you only success and a reminder to stock your house with wine before you start! xo!