BLW: Chia Pudding

Ingredients For Toddlers
Chia Seeds, 1 tsp
Coconut milk, 2 tsp
Honey , 2 tsp
Blueberries (or other fruit), handful
Ingredients For Babies
Chia Seeds, 1 tsp
Coconut milk, 2 tsp
Breastmilk (for BLW infants), 2 tsp
Blueberries (or other fruit), handful

Add Chia seeds, coconut milk, honey, and blueberries to a Tupperware container or jar. Mix together and allow to sit overnight in refrigerator. Serve! It’s really that simple. The best part is making up the creations and make it fun for your child’s tastebuds. I’d recommend adding smashed banana or mango too!
Same steps for babies :)

xoxo, Jen