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Laser Hair Removal with Semper Laser ( My Experience)

Hey guys I am back and to stay this time, I being so busy with work that I haven't being able to blog but now I am fully working from home so I can commit to you guys. Our first and last blog for December and this decade is about my experience with Semper Laser.

My Laser Hair Removal Experience at Semper Laser you all know that shaving and waxing are one of those things that seem unavoidable as a woman. Time consuming, expensive, painful, annoying, unpleasant, inconvenient- all frequently associated with shaving and waxing- and with no end in sight!! but Hold up- there actually is an end in sight if you consider laser hair removal! Imagine having that freshly shaved/waxed confidence ALL the time. Yeah, I wouldn’t mind that one bit. I wanted to write a blog post where I could keep you all updated on my laser hair removal journey with Semper Laser! So here goes! First, can I just say that if you are considering laser hair removal, just consider how much of a difference it can make! No shaving/waxing/Nairing… Instead you can have a boost of confidence in that tank top or whatever it is you’re wearing. The difference is profound, almost painless, and so easy! Anyway, I started my Semper Laser experience in September 2019. Fast forward 4 months and the results speak for themselves! I started off getting complimentary laser hair removal for my underarms as a promotional deal, but I am honestly thinking about adding my bikini line (which I will pay for out of pocket) because I love it so much!

now if you follow me on Instagram (@jenrubio_) you know I have being updating you guys with my under arms. Hands down the best decision I have ever made. Lets start by my first impression about the location, Semper Laser is absolutely amazing the place is gorgeous, clean and smells so good always, customer service is insane everyone is so nice and they help you thru the process explaining the after care and ect. I am by my 3rd section already and I already have results, I used to shave every 1 or 2 days under my arms and now I only shave maybe once every 1 or 2 weeks 'how insane?' The process takes 5 minutes in and out, super quick. Now, I have to be honest with you, my first section didn't hurt at all but my second and 3rd section did but is nothing you can't take, is a little less pain than getting a tattoo so not that bad.

The Steps (as experienced by me) after my first treatment
  1. Get laser hair removal. To prepare for this, you just need to shave 24 hours before the treatment.

  2. Leave the hairs alone for at least a few days before shaving them. During this period, the existing hairs start growing out as they fall out.

  3. Your hairs start falling out a bit at a time (it takes 2-3 weeks for the hair to shed). DO NOT pluck them or get them waxed!

  4. Once they’ve all come out, this is followed by a 3-5 week period where I don’t see any hair at all!

  5. After that, when the next hair cycle starts kicking in, I see really thin, light hairs starting to grow. You can definitely shave them! Fewer hairs grow back compared to what you had originally.

  6. They start getting a bit thinner by the time your second treatment comes around. Make sure you avoid sun exposure on your underarm area a few weeks prior to your next treatment!

Round 2

My second laser hair removal treatment was a little more painful than the first one(not that it was super painful). My nurse said that usually the second one can hurt more because they increase the voltage.

I’m currently at the cool stage where the little hairs are slowly coming out. I love this stage because it really fascinates me to see less and less hairs on my underarms each day. That might be weird, but I just love seeing the results!

And of course I love the completely hairless stage. It’s unreal to think that after all of my treatments are done, the hairless stage will be permanent!

Round 3 (Current Stage)

My 3rd section was a little less painful than my second section,(not that it was super painful on the second go-around, it just was less this time!) even tho it was supposed to be more painful because they put up the voltage. Maybe it was because I knew what to expect, or maybe it was just that I had fewer hairs to zap this time around. Either way, it wasn’t as intense!


1. Does it hurt?

This was the number one question asked by my friends and family.

I’d describe the pain as a mild to moderate pin-prick sensation. Most of the moderate pain is in the center of your underarm, and the mild pain is around the edges.

If you’re afraid of pain, don’t worry! It only lasts for about 30 seconds. Then it’s over and it’s on to the next underarm.

Afterwards, for about an hour or so (for me at least) there was a very mild stinging sensation- emphasis on very mild. It faded pretty quickly.

By the time my second treatment came around, I no longer had a mild stinging sensation afterwards.

2. How many treatments do I need?

The package with Semper Laser comes with 8 treatments, though most people only need around five.

The experts at Semper Laser assess you to make sure that you’re completely done with your treatment.

You’ll notice less and less hair growing back after each treatment.

And the reason for multiple treatments is due to the hair growth cycle. The lasers only get hair follicles that are in the active stage.

3. Why Semper Laser?

When it comes to any sort of treatment on your body, you want the best of the best. You definitely want to be in good hands.

And the great thing about Semper Laser is that they give you treatment options that are catered to you, and use medical grade machines that are the best in the market. There are different types of laser hair removal machines. Most medspas use IPL (Intense Pulse Light) for hair removal and it is less effective (and more painful!) than lasers. But at Semper Laser, they use medical grade machines that are used by medical professionals. And that’s another reason- Semper Laser only uses licensed professionals to perform treatments. You won’t find that at many other medspas.It definitely gives you confidence in what they are doing!

4. How do I know if I qualify for laser hair removal?

You’ll want to go in for a consultation.

The best combination for laser hair removal is dark hair and light skin (though Semper Laser is able to treat both darker skin tones and lighter hair unlike most medspas!).

Once you’re done with your consultation, you can get your first treatment done on the same day.

5. What is the cost like?

Honestly, it varies based on what you need done and what specials are going on. I’d reccommend setting up a free consultation at Semper Laser. I went to their current location in Sunset Dr, South Miami, their team members are the sweetest, and made me feel right at home! I do know they are opening a new location in Hallandale Beach.

6. How long does the treatment take?

I was at Semper Laser for about an hour because I went with Rosy which she got the same treatment, we only took that long because they explained our influencer program and how the treatment works.

You spend forty minutes in the consultation, where they make sure you are a good candidate, explain the procedure, etc.

Then you spend about five minutes with the nurse to verify that you’re ready for the treatment.

After that, you get your laser hair removal package set up and confirmed. You are then ready for the actual procedure, which takes about three to five minutes total.

And voila! Your first treatment is done!

Following treatments take about 10 minutes from the time you step in the door to the time you leave (in my experience).

7. Do you see results right away?

Yes! you can definitely see results right away, when my hair started growing I started noticing them thinner and you can tell because they don't grow right away, in my first section my hair actually grow in about 1 week after my treatment, when it usually grows out after a day or two.

In Conclusion

I hope this conveys how much I’m loving my Semper Laser treatments, and how much I recommend it to you all!

I’ll keep posting more questions as I think of them during my five other laser hair removal treatments, and keep you all updated on the results!

Please comment if you have any questions you’d like me to try to answer for you based on my experience!

Down below there is a photo with their current especial and if you mention me you will get 20% off any treatment. Click here- Semper laser to go to their website.

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